Handling Guns Safely, and Tips on Forced Shooting Situations
Handling a gun is simple, and should be treated as such. The right way to handle your gun is one that goes against your gut instinct. Your gut might tell you to grab the gun firmly in your hand and wrap your fingers around the handle of the gun while tucking your thumbs into the side of the grip to firmly sandwich it. Doing this can cause an unexpected bounce at a critical time during your shooting when you need it most, resulting in an accidental discharge. Always keep the muzzle pointed toward safe areas when handling guns, whether they are loaded or not.
- Always assume a gun is loaded.
- Never point a gun at someone unless it is to prevent an immediate threat to yourself or someone else.
- Keep the barrel pointed in a safe direction and always confirm that the gun is not loaded when you pick it up (especially if you have just handed it over to another person).
- Keep your finger off the trigger until it is time to shoot, and do not touch the trigger until the sight of your target has been confirmed.
Everyone loves guns and has probably had a gun pointed at them at least once in their lives. Guns and firearms have been a big part of our history and culture, even serving as symbols of political independence. Yet despite their prevalence, proper handling can be tricky. Guns are dangerous, and it is up to you to keep yourself safe while handling them. In order to stay out of prison, fight back against an attacker, or just protect your family from intruders, it is important that we all take the time to understand how guns work and how to operate and handle them safely.
Suggestions for Forced Shooting Situations
As a responsible gun owner, you know that keeping firearms safely stored is a critical safety concern, as well as help deter theft. But when it comes to being forced to use your gun, good advice on how and where to shoot can be hard to find. This guide gives you a quick reference for the best ways to handle shooting situations of all levels of danger.
If your life is threatened by a gun-wielding assailant, you may have no choice but to shoot him in self-defense. If the assailant threatens to shoot others, including hostages, and not just to kill you, you will almost certainly be doing society a service by killing the gunman. Still, many shooters are reluctant to shoot people at even such an extreme juncture. The reluctance comes from a sense of responsibility… fear that they might kill an innocent person… inability or lack of confidence in their marksmanship… or simply concern over what would happen next. While accidents do happen, many times they are avoided due to careful preparation and planning.
Whether you’re a single parent with children, an artist, or a college student living away from home – being prepared can make all the difference.